Use the VINUM services

VINUM services complement the work of teachers who use digital technology as part of their educational programs.

These services are based on immersive technologies, high-quality 3D imaging, and the non-intrusive use of collected and shared data. Digital technology is used to simulate skills and operations that would be impossible without simulation tools.

The training methods proposed in the VINUM program emphasize good preventive practices, for these professions which are among the most exposed to occupational accidents and health problems.

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Discover the VINUM Program

The VINUM program’s mission is to accelerate the digital transition of training courses in the agricultural, viticultural and forestry sectors.

The VINUM team makes the most of digital technologies to provide teachers with effective and relevant training tools.

The program brings together industry professionals, training centers, academics, branches and digital creators.

The main French wine-growing regions are represented within the VINUM ecosystem.

VINUM is the winner of the “CompĂ©tences et MĂ©tiers d’Avenir” call for expressions of interest.

Join us

The program designers are developing VINUM’s future services. Teachers and trainers, you can help us by expressing needs or gaps in the curricula. VINUM services should be an intelligent complement to existing training courses.

We’re looking for machine manufacturers and other industry professionals to contribute their 3D models, their knowledge of their customers’ needs, and their own training requirements.

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